Results for 'Jean Alice Campbell'

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  1.  28
    Social and psychological influences on hypnotic behavior.Campbell Perry & Jean-Roch Laurence - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):478-479.
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    Molière and the Sociology of Exchange.Jean-Marie Apostolidès & Alice Musick McLean - 1988 - Critical Inquiry 14 (3):477-492.
    The method chosen here draws on concepts borrowed from sociology and anthropology. This double conceptual approach is necessary for a society divided between values inherited from medieval Christianity and precapitalist practices. Seventeenth-century France did not think of itself as a class society but as a society of orders. Since sociology is a system of knowledge whose concepts are taken from an imaginary construct, it is thus more suited to analyzing bourgeois society than societies in transition.6 In trying to measure the (...)
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    Diamond Lil at Euro-Disneyland: A Conversation.Alice Y. Kaplan, Myriam Herve-Gil & Jean-Philippe Mazzia - 1995 - Substance 24 (1/2):154.
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    Considering Value—What Are the Ways and Means of Its Expression?Jean Campbell - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):18-28.
    This essay considers the concrete consequences for human lives of social and economic values. Through case studies indicative of the Victorian age, early 20th century and contemporary 21st century, the evolutionary change in specific values is exhibited. Values are recognized as essentially shaping human conduct, while the exercise of individual choices in this milieu has resulted in progressive shifts breaking up the rigid adherence to values, establishing the possibility in some areas for greater tolerance, such as in the area of (...)
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    Freedom, Self-Determination and Automation.Jean A. Campbell - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (1):147-158.
    The aim of this essay is to examine the long-term evolution of the material reproductive vehicles of society. The fairly continuous trend of economic integration and progressive enfranchisement of the world’s people is indicated, ascertainable even with the emergence from general slavery of ancient times, through feudalism to the modern stage of industrialism and widespread national sovereignties. With greater political expression has come higher degrees and penetration of economic prosperity. Both vicious and virtuous tendencies of automation are considered. The necessary (...)
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    Ongoing egocentric spatial processing during learning of non-spatial information results in temporal-parietal activity during retrieval.Alice Gomez, Mélanie Cerles, Stéphane Rousset, Jean-François Le Bas & Monica Baciu - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Currency and Moral Practice—Navigating the Commercial Environment.Jean Campbell - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (1):83-93.
    This article investigates the ethical foundations for both personal and commercial conduct, placing these a) for natural individuals with Kant’s categorical imperative as the standard for verification and b) for entities defined to conduct business with markets that freely determine prices among the participating actors at the moment of exchange. Pervasive digitization of transactions is noted. The concepts of currency and money are defined and examined in practice, drawing on the statements of international and US government agencies, economists as well (...)
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  8.  21
    Global Stewardship—ISUD as Antidote to Global Despair.Jean A. Campbell - 2013 - Dialogue and Universalism 23 (4):187-191.
    Global stewardship explores the perspective of caring for the entire globe—all its peoples and life. The interconnectedness of the basic elementary systems—air and water, which are both necessary for terrestrial and aquatic life—is acknowledged. The concomitant threats of their toxification from immoderate employments of substances and techniques justify the need for global respect and cooperation as well as effective world economic systems as the means to sustain this life.
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    Karl Marx—Metaphor for Self-Empowerment and Liberation.Jean A. Campbell - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (3):179-184.
    This essay presents what is enduring and still powerful in Marx’s analysis of capital, viewed synthetically as the resulting moral imperative to fairness in the social relationships of production.
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    The Abidjan School and Louis-Joseph Lebret: marrying empirical research and development ethics.Jérôme Ballet, Jean-Luc Dubois & Alice Kouadio - 2021 - Journal of Global Ethics 17 (2):222-242.
    The Abidjan School is a school of thought that developed in the 1980s and 1990s in the Côte d'Ivoire inspired by the work of Louis-Joseph Lebret and Amartya Sen. It follows the empirical approach i...
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    Moral Psychology: Feminist Ethics and Social Theory.Sandra Lee Bartky, Paul Benson, Sue Campbell, Claudia Card, Robin S. Dillon, Jean Harvey, Karen Jones, Charles W. Mills, James Lindemann Nelson, Margaret Urban Walker, Rebecca Whisnant & Catherine Wilson (eds.) - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Moral psychology studies the features of cognition, judgement, perception and emotion that make human beings capable of moral action. Perspectives from feminist and race theory immensely enrich moral psychology. Writers who take these perspectives ask questions about mind, feeling, and action in contexts of social difference and unequal power and opportunity. These essays by a distinguished international cast of philosophers explore moral psychology as it connects to social life, scientific studies, and literature.
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    In Memoriam: Janusz Kuczyński.Charles Brown & Jean Campbell - 2017 - Dialogue and Universalism 27 (2):3-4.
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    The development of Kantian thought.Herman Jean de Vleeschauwer & Alistair Robert Campbell Duncan - 1962 - New York,: T. Nelson.
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    L’ontologie à Genève : de David Derodon à Jean-Robert Chouet.Alice Ragni - 2020 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 134 (3):59-77.
    L’histoire de la métaphysique à Genève pendant l’époque moderne est liée à la figure de David Derodon (c. 1600-1664), philosophe et théologien calviniste français. Il soutient que la métaphysique est la science de l’étant commun aux corps et aux esprits et que, pour cette raison, elle doit être distinguée de la pneumatique et de la somatique. Il s’agit, en d’autres termes, d’une métaphysique fortement « ontologisée » qui traite des choses neutres. Le but de cet article est de montrer la (...)
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    La quantité indéterminée de la matière dans la génération. Jean de Jandun et Walter Burley.Alice Lamy - 2011 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 136 (2):147.
    Jean de Jandun et Walter Burley, commentateurs des œuvres de Aristote et d’Averroès à l’Université de Paris aux xiiie et xive siècles, juxtaposent à la lettre les enseignements de leurs sources au risque d’aboutir à des théories problématiques. Pour décrire le mouvement substantiel de la génération, ils retiennent d’Aristote les principes métaphysiques de la matière, la forme et la privation, et leur ajoutent la problématique introduite par les philosophes arabes de la possible corporéité et de la quantification de la (...)
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    (1 other version)Karen Hagemann & Jean H. Quataert (eds), Gendering Modern German History. Rewriting Historiography.Alice Primi - 2010 - Clio 32:286-289.
    Comme son titre l’indique, cet ouvrage collectif, dirigé et présenté par Karen Hagemann et Jean H. Quataert, s’adresse en premier lieu aux historien-ne-s travaillant sur l’Allemagne des xixe et xxe siècles, et dont la majorité se trouvent aux États-Unis et en Allemagne. Son lectorat devrait pourtant s’avérer beaucoup plus vaste, car le livre offre aussi une précieuse somme de connaissances et de réflexions à tout-e historien-ne s’intéressant aux récentes évolutions de l’historiographie occide...
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    La quantité indéterminée de la matière selon Jean de Jandun. Principes et problèmes ontologiques.Alice Lamy - 2012 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 74 (2):147.
    À l'université de Paris au XIV e siècle, Jean de Jandun est un commentateur érudit des œuvres d'Averroès et a marqué un intérêt particulier à sa doctrine sur la quantification de la matière présente au livre I de son De substantia orbis. S'il reprend à la lettre les enseignements du commentateur sur les dimensions indéterminées, il tente de définir aussi de façon originale les principes ontologiques de ces dimensions en les intégrant à deux théories très discutées à l'époque: la (...)
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  18.  27
    The First Electronic Computer: The Atanasoff Story. Alice R. Burks, Arthur W. Burks.Martin Campbell-Kelly - 1988 - Isis 79 (4):715-716.
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    Jean-Paul Sartre ou une littérature philosophique.Robert Campbell - 1945 - P. Ardent.
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    Local Processing Bias Impacts Implicit and Explicit Memory in Autism.Karine Lebreton, Joëlle Malvy, Laetitia Bon, Alice Hamel-Desbruères, Geoffrey Marcaggi, Patrice Clochon, Fabian Guénolé, Edgar Moussaoui, Dermot M. Bowler, Frédérique Bonnet-Brilhault, Francis Eustache, Jean-Marc Baleyte & Bérengère Guillery-Girard - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:622462.
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is characterized by atypical perception, including processing that is biased toward local details rather than global configurations. This bias may impact on memory. The present study examined the effect of this perception on both implicit (Experiment 1) and explicit (Experiment 2) memory in conditions that promote either local or global processing. The first experiment consisted of an object identification priming task using two distinct encoding conditions: one favoring local processing (Local condition) and the other favoring global (...)
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    List of Author Participants.Yuichiro Anzai, Henny Pa Boshuizen, John A. Campbell, Jean Paul Caverni, Richard L. Cruess, M. D. Rudolf de Chatel, David A. Evans, Paul J. Feltovich, Claude Frasson & David M. Gaba - 1992 - In David Andreoff Evans & Vimla L. Patel (eds.), Advanced Models of Cognition for Medical Training and Practice. Springer. pp. 369.
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    In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose.Alice Walker - 2004 - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
    Walker's essays and articles written between 1966 and 1982 discuss the concept and influence of art and the artist's life, criticisms of authors such as Jean Toomer and Zora Neale Hurston, studies in the civil rights movement and feminist movement, and her own ideas while writing her book "The Color Purple.".
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  23. The origins of aggression sex differences: Evolved dispositions versus social roles.Alice H. Eagly & Wendy Wood - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):223-224.
    The ultimate causes of sex differences in human aggressive behavior can lie mainly in evolved, inherited mechanisms that differ by sex or mainly in the differing placement of women and men in the social structure. The present commentary contrasts Campbell's evolutionary interpretation of aggression sex differences with a social structural interpretation that encompasses a wider range of phenomena.
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    The Mystery of the Fifth Logical Notion (Alice in the Wonderful Land of Logical Notions).Jean-Yves Beziau - 2020 - Studia Humana 9 (3-4):19-36.
    We discuss a theory presented in a posthumous paper by Alfred Tarski entitled “What are logical notions?”. Although the theory of these logical notions is something outside of the main stream of logic, not presented in logic textbooks, it is a very interesting theory and can easily be understood by anybody, especially studying the simplest case of the four basic logical notions. This is what we are doing here, as well as introducing a challenging fifth logical notion. We first recall (...)
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    The identification of 100 ecological questions of high policy relevance in the UK.William J. Sutherland, Susan Armstrong-Brown, Paul R. Armsworth, Brereton Tom, Jonathan Brickland, Colin D. Campbell, Daniel E. Chamberlain, Andrew I. Cooke, Nicholas K. Dulvy, Nicholas R. Dusic, Martin Fitton, Robert P. Freckleton, H. Charles J. Godfray, Nick Grout, H. John Harvey, Colin Hedley, John J. Hopkins, Neil B. Kift, Jeff Kirby, William E. Kunin, David W. Macdonald, Brian Marker, Marc Naura, Andrew R. Neale, Tom Oliver, Dan Osborn, Andrew S. Pullin, Matthew E. A. Shardlow, David A. Showler, Paul L. Smith, Richard J. Smithers, Jean-Luc Solandt, Jonathan Spencer, Chris J. Spray, Chris D. Thomas, Jim Thompson, Sarah E. Webb, Derek W. Yalden & Andrew R. Watkinson - 2006 - Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (4):617-627.
    1 Evidence-based policy requires researchers to provide the answers to ecological questions that are of interest to policy makers. To find out what those questions are in the UK, representatives from 28 organizations involved in policy, together with scientists from 10 academic institutions, were asked to generate a list of questions from their organizations. 2 During a 2-day workshop the initial list of 1003 questions generated from consulting at least 654 policy makers and academics was used as a basis for (...)
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    E-Collection.Thomas M. Lennon, Sean Allen-Hermanson, Samantha Brennan, Jean-Pierre Schachter, Marceline Morais, Scott Campbell, Zena Ryder & Nebojsa Kujundzic - 2011 - Modern Schoolman 88 (3/4).
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    Jean-Paul Sartre.Robert Campbell - 1945 - Paris,: P. Ardent.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Don T. Martin, James L. Green, Patricia M. Lines, Mary Jean Ronan Herzog, John H. Scahill, Bruce Anthony Jones, Alan Wieder & Jack K. Campbell - 1991 - Educational Studies 22 (3):402-440.
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Lynn Ilon, Alan J. Deyoung, Thomas R. Bidell, Sally Lubeck, Jean I. Erdman, Christine M. Shea, Anne E. Campbell, Kathryn A. Woolard, Bruce Beezer, Mario D. Fantini, Robert M. Ryan, D. D. Darland, Charles A. Tesconi Jr, Louis A. Petrone, Georgia C. Collins & Manning M. Pattillo Jr - 1987 - Educational Studies 18 (2):279-356.
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  30. Forgiveness and Moral Solidarity.Alice MacLachlan - 2008 - In Stephen Bloch-Shulman & David White (eds.), Forgiveness: Probing the Boundaries. Inter-Disciplinary Press.
    The categorical denial of third-party forgiveness represents an overly individualistic approach to moral repair. Such an approach fails to acknowledge the important roles played by witnesses, bystanders, beneficiaries, and others who stand in solidarity to the primary victim and perpetrator. In this paper, I argue that the prerogative to forgive or withhold forgiveness is not universal, but neither is it restricted to victims alone. Not only can we make moral sense of some third-party acts and utterances of the form, “I (...)
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  31. How the performer came to be prepared: Three moments in music’s encounter with everyday technologies.Iain Campbell - 2023 - In Natasha Lushetich, Iain Campbell & Dominic Smith (eds.), Contingency and plasticity in everyday technologies. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 125-41.
    What kind of technology is the piano? It was once a distinctly everyday technology. In the bourgeois home of the nineteenth century it became an emblematic figure of gendered social life, its role shifting between visually pleasing piece of furniture, source of light entertainment, and expression of cultured upbringing. It performed this role unobtrusively, acting as a transparent mediator of social relations. To the composer of concert music it was, and sometimes still is, says Samuel Wilson, like the philosopher’s table: (...)
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    Seventeenth Century Critique du ‘De Mundo’ de Thomas White. By Thomas Hobbes. Ed. by Jean Jacquot and Harold Whitmore Jones. Paris: J. Vrin, 1973. Pp. 548. No price stated. [REVIEW]Alice Stroup - 1975 - British Journal for the History of Science 8 (1):80-81.
  33. The State of 'Sorry': Official Apologies and their Absence.Alice MacLachlan - 2010 - Journal of Human Rights 9 (3):373-385.
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    The Budé Anthology Continued Pierre Waltz and Guy Soury (avec le concours de Jean Irigoin et Pierre Laurens): Anthologie Grecque. Première Partie, Anthologie Palatine; Tome viii (Livre ix, Épigr. 359–827). Texte établi et traduit. (Collection Budé.) Pp. x + 293 (texte double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1974. Paper, 75 frs. [REVIEW]David A. Campbell - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (01):15-16.
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    ‘Heroines in the making’: The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie as an instance of amour-propre in education.Leigh Campbell Garrison - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (3):195-209.
    This paper addresses Rousseau's contribution to educational practice by illustrating the ways in which his notion of amour-propre distorts the teacher-student relationship in Muriel Spark's novel, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. Though some of Rousseau's pedagogical methods may appear impractical and problematic, his insights into the psychological distortions of amour-propre bear directly on teaching because it is such an important instance of the relationship between self and others. The protagonist, Jean Brodie, is shown to be not only (...)
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    Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks.: Eranos 6. The Mystic Vision.Joseph Campbell (ed.) - 1968 - Princeton University Press.
    Essays by Ernesto Buonaiuti, Friedrich Heiler, Wilhelm Koppers, Louis Massignon, Jean de Menasce, Erich Neumann, Henri-Charles Puech, Gilles Quispel, Erwin Rousselle, Boris Vyshelawzeff, and Heinrich Zimmer.
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    Papers From the Eranos Yearbooks.: Eranos 2. The Mysteries.Joseph Campbell (ed.) - 1978 - Princeton University Press.
    Essays by Julius Baum, C. G. Jung, C. Kerényi, Hans Leisegang, Paul Masson-Oursel, Fritz Meier, Jean de Menasce, Georges Nagel, Walter F. Otto, Max Pulver, Hugo Rahner, Paul Schmitt, and Walter Wili.
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    Alice M. Colby-Hall, ed. and trans., “Vita Sancti Willelmi”: Fondateur de l’Abbaye de Gellone; Édition et traduction du texte médiéval d’après le manuscrit de l’abbaye de Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert. Montpellier, France: Arts et traditions rurales, 2014. Paper. Pp. 129; 2 color figures. ISBN: 979-10-90704-19-0. [REVIEW]Jean Meyers - 2017 - Speculum 92 (1):237-239.
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    The Art of Kula. By Shirley F. Campbell. Pp 241. (Berg, Oxford and New York, 2002.) £50.00, ISBN 1-85973-513-4, hardback; £15.99, ISBN 1-85973-518-5, paperback. [REVIEW]Jean Kennedy - 2005 - Journal of Biosocial Science 37 (4):525-526.
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    Hermann de Keyserling, Médilations sud-américaines,. traduit de l’allemand par Albert Begiun, précédé de De la fécondité de l'insuffisant (Un autoportrait), postface de Victoria Ocampo (traduite par Alice Raillard), avec une notice bio-bibliographique de AnneMarie Bouisson et les extraits de presse de 1932. Paris, Stock, 1976. 13 × 22,5, 401 p. (« Le Monde ouvert »). [REVIEW]Jean-Claude Margolin - 1979 - Revue de Synthèse 100 (93-94):109-110.
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    Arguing with the phallus: feminist, queer, and postcolonial theory: a psychoanalytic contribution.Jan Campbell - 2000 - New York: Distributed in the USA exclusively by St. Martin's Press.
    What can psychoanalysis offer contemporary arguments in the fields of Feminism, Queer Theory and Post-Colonialism? Jan Campbell introduces and analyses the way that psychoanalysis has developed and made problematic models of subjectivity linked to issues of sexuality, ethnicity, gender, and history. Via discussions of such influential and diverse figures as Lacan, Irigaray, Kristeva, Dollimore, Bhabha, Toni Morrison, and Alice Walker, Campbell uses psychoanalysis as a mediatory tool in a range of debates across the human sciences, while also (...)
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    Dispute, Quarrel, Interpellation.Jean-Jacques Lecercle - 2017 - Paragraph 40 (1):5-27.
    This essay starts from the theory of disputes and progresses towards a theory of ‘interpellation’, which it aims to outline. The starting point is given by Lyotard's differend, which provides a first contrast between dispute and quarrel. Dispute can be seen as the more irenic pole of a system where quarrel would be identified as clearly agonistic. The essay first revisits the differend in the light of Habermas's theory, which posits that discussions take place against the background of a lifeworld. (...)
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    Experimental practices of music and philosophy in John Cage and Gilles Deleuze.Iain Campbell - 2015 - Dissertation,
    In this thesis we construct a critical encounter between the composer John Cage and the philosopher Gilles Deleuze. This encounter circulates through a constellation of problems found across and between mid-twentieth century musical, artistic, and philosophical practices, the central focus for our line of enquiry being the concept of experimentation. We emphasize the production of a method of experimentation through a practice historically situated with regards to the traditions of the respective fields of music and philosophy. However, we argue that (...)
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  44. Philosophie, éthique et droit de la médicine, by Dominique Folscheid, Brigitte Feuillet-Le Mintier and Jean-Francois Mattei. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1997. 605 pp. pb. 169FF. ISBN 2-13-048856-0. [REVIEW]Alastair V. Campbell - 1999 - Studies in Christian Ethics 12 (2):133-135.
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    Améliorer le Leadership Dans les Services de Santé au Canada: La Preuve En Oeuvre.Terrence Sullivan & Jean-Louis Denis (eds.) - 2012 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada explains the development and implementation of the Executive Training in Research Application program. Managed and funded by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation in partnership with the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nursing Association, and the Canadian College of Health Care executives, EXTRA is a two-year national fellowship program that uses the principles of adult learning theory as well as practical projects to educate senior health care leaders in making more consistent use of (...)
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    C. Jean Campbell, The Commonwealth of Nature: Art and Poetic Community in the Age of Dante. University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008. Pp. xviii, 167; color frontispiece and many black-and-white and color figures. $65. [REVIEW]Benjamin David - 2010 - Speculum 85 (4):946-947.
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    Courtney S. Campbell, Ph. D., is Professor and Director, Program for Ethics, Science, and the Environment, Department of Philosophy, Oregon State Uni-versity, Corvallis, Oregon. Jean E. Chambers, Ph. D., is Associate Professor in the Philosophy Department of the State University of New York, Oswego. She is currently working on. [REVIEW]John Harris, Bryan Hilliard, Søren Holm, Kenneth V. Iserson, Avery Kolers, Greg Loeben, Peter Montague & John C. Moskop - 2003 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 12:329-330.
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    Three Centuries of Poor Law Administration. Margaret Creech, Edith AbbottThe Indiana Poor Law. Alice Shaffer, Mary Wysor Keefer, Sophonisba P. BreckinridgeThe Michigan Poor Law. Isabel Campbell Bruce, Edith Eickhoff, Sophonisba P. Breckinridge. [REVIEW]Carl M. Rosenquist - 1936 - International Journal of Ethics 47 (1):127-128.
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    Correspondance avec Robert Campbell et les siens: (1946-1977).Jan Patočka - 2019 - Grenoble: Millon. Edited by Robert Campbell & Erika Abrams.
    "Il faudrait que quelqu'un chez vous fasse un roman sur un intellectuel d'Europe centrale sous le coup des derniers événements. Pas seulement pour la curiosité psychologique. Pour apprendre à voir ce que vous n'aimez pas regarder", écrivait le phénoménologue tchèque Jan Patocka, en juillet 1949, à son ami Robert Campbell, philosophe et mathématicien français, auteur, en 1945, du premier ouvrage consacré aux écrits et à la pensée de Jean-Paul Sartre. Mieux qu'un roman, la correspondance amicale et philosophique que (...)
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    Doctrinal Issues Concerning Human Nature and Self-Love, and the Case of Archibald Campbell's Enquiry.Christian Maurer - 2016 - Intellectual History Review 26 (3):355-369.
    This essay explores doctrinal issues in the philosophical and theological debates on human nature and self-love in the early 18th century. It focuses on the arguments between the Scottish philosopher and theologian Archibald Campbell and the Committee for Purity of Doctrine concerning Campbell’s Enquiry into the Original of Moral Virtue (1733). These centre in particular on Campbell’s supposedly unorthodox account of self-love as a virtuous principle and the connected more general view of human nature as tending towards (...)
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